Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bush in Denial

I am dismayed by the recent actions of the Bush administration. New security findings show that al Qaeda has recovered to its pre-September 11th strength. Six years have gone by, and Osama bin Laden remains alive and well, continuing to train terrorists. This resurgence demonstrates that the Iraq war has been a costly distraction from the real problems plaguing our nation.

The Bush administration's report on "progress" in Iraq illuminates the President's immense denial. The administration needs to acknowledge that the Iraq war never should have been waged or authorized. It must end now in order for us to protect ourselves from the growing threat of terrorism.Dear Editor,

I am dismayed by the recent actions of the Bush administration. New security findings show that al Qaeda has recovered to its pre-September 11th strength. Six years have gone by, and Osama bin Laden remains alive and well, continuing to train terrorists. This resurgence demonstrates that the Iraq war has been a costly distraction from the real problems plaguing our nation.

The Bush administration's report on "progress" in Iraq illuminates the President's immense denial. The administration needs to acknowledge that the Iraq war never should have been waged or authorized. It must end now in order for us to protect ourselves from the growing threat of terrorism. Not another single American life should be lost fighting to keep Sunnis and Shiites from blowing each other up.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

The TB Traveller -- Andrew Speaker

Andrew Speaker says he's being unfairly attacked for his decision to fly to Europe and get married after being diagnosed with a rare form of tuberculosis.

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It seems self-evident that Andrew Speaker is a bonafide idiot. God only knows the strings that were pulled for him to earn a law degree.

However, the CDC is certainly not blameless, if we are to believe Speaker's version of the meeting in Atlanta. We can check his dad's Treo to verify the accuracy. If the CDC's intent was to forbid Speaker from flying, especially flying abroad, then they should have made that fact crystal clear. It appears that they left it up to his judgement. Now I hope they realize, that was bad judgement on their part.

There are, no doubt, offenses committed by Mr. Speaker during this affair, that are totally independent of the poor judgement of the CDC. He should be prosecuted vigorously for these. And the CDC should carefully review its quarantine policies.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Gore Bores

Al Gore's time for running for president has come and passed. No matter how great we all know he is, he is now a "loser" in too many people's minds. It's time for him to serve in another arena, and it's time for the rest of us to move on. We need to work for a viable candidate who is electable.

Kucinich best represents my interests, but he could never be elected. Hillary could be elected but would sell her soul to do it, just as Bill did. Obama can win, but he is still an unknown quantity. My eyes are on him. He has the charisma of the Kennedy's. Realistically, we know that if JFK had lived long enough, we would have had reason to mistrust him along with all the others. Right now, we can all see Obama as the personification of our hopes and dreams for this country. Let's hope he doesn't disappoint us.

Monday, January 22, 2007

And So It Goes

Another 23 American soldiers were killed in Iraq over the weekend. Already, part of the new "surge" of 21,000 US troops is arriving there. We have a president who doesn't listen to the people nor does he care what they think. All that seems to matter to him and his fellow neo-cons is their unfaltering dedication to the path they have deemed as right. Even as they insist on imposing democracy on a country and region that doesn't want it and never asked for it, with every violation of our liberties, they erode the very democracy we as Americans hold dear here at home.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Stop the Madness

The war in Iraq continues. Yesterday seventy Iraqi citizens were blown up in suicide car bombings, today another thirty were killed. At least four American soldiers were killed yesterday. When a war of choice goes this terribly wrong, it needs to be ended without delay. If this were a war forced upon our country, as World War II seems to have been, we should fight it through to victory. But when we invade a country, unprovoked, as we did Iraq in 2003, and it becomes a national nightmare, our government must admit its mistake and bring our soldiers home, out of harm’s way. I would campaign for George W. Bush’s impeachment if it didn’t mean we would then also have to impeach Dick Cheney. What a mess!